Street Fighter II HD Beta Coming Soon

Did you purchase Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 on the Xbox Live Arcade yet? It was just released yesterday, so you might not have, but you’ll probably want to. If you purchase the game, you’ll be give access to the Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix beta test.

From what I understand, the game will only feature Ryu and Ken and only a single stage for eight weeks, but if you love beta tests, show Capcom what you got. The beta starts on June 25, and will be available only for Xbox 360 owners. Here’s a gameplay video from Commando 3, so you that you can decide if you want to pick up the game. You will.

Frogger and Commando 3 on XBLA

Two more games this Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday. Some good ones too.

Frogger 2
First off, you have Frogger 2. This game needs no explanation. Everyone knows the classic Frogger games. This version comes in HD though, and can be played by up to 4 players online. It’ll set you back 800 Microsoft points.

Wolf of the Battlefield
Next, you can pick up Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3. This is one of the most popular arcade shooters ever, and for good reason…cuz it’s good! This one is also 800 Microsoft points. Now go shoot some stuff up and take care of those testosterone levels.

Access to Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Beta, If…

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD

Thats if, you buy the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade game, Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3. It only costs 800 Microsoft points, and everyone likes to be a part of a beta test. Especially for such a cool game. The beta will run for about 8 weeks so that gives you enough time to run it through it’s paces. You can expect to see Commando 3 on XBLA sometime in the Spring.